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General Information
USDA APHIS Wildlife Services
National Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, Colorado
Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage - University of Nebraska
Wildlife Management Library -Kansas State University
Wildlife Publications - University of Nebraska
Wildlife Management Fact Sheets
Purdue Animal Damage Management
TEXNAT - Texas Natural Resources Server
Texas Wildlife
Predator FAQ by Ron Florence

Predator Damage
Sheep and Goats Predator Loss Statisitcs - USDA NASS
Texas A&M Predation Guide: Procedures for evaluating predation on livestock and wildlife
Interpreting the physical evidence of predation on domestic livestock - University of Florida
Addressing the Consequences of Predator Damage to Livestock and Poultry - Virginia Tech
Management Factors Can Influence Predation - Ontario, Canada
[PDF]  Effects of Wildlife Services on Predator Populations - USDA APHIS | [HTML]
[PDF]  Management of Coyote, Red Fox, Feral Dog, Wolf-Hybrid, and Exotic Carnivore Predation on Livestock in the State of Ohio
[PDF]  Integrated Management of Coyote, Red Fox, Feral Dog, Wolf-Hybrid, and Exotic Carnivore Predation
Predation and Predator Control - Canid Specialists Group

[PDF]  Predation of Livestock: Recognizing the Signs - Queensland, Australia
Interpreting the Physical evidence of predation on Domestic Livestock - University of Florida


Coyote Action - an unbiased educational forum
[PDF]  Coyotes - National Wildlife Damage Handbook
The Coyote - DesertUSA
The Coyote in New York State
Rancher Perceptions of the Coyote in Florida
[PDF] Understanding the Coyote - Kansas State University
The Eastern Coyote in Nova Scotia
Coyotes in the Southwest - a Compedium of our Knowledge
Coping with Coyotes - Texas A&M
Why Coyotes Become Predators - Ontario Sheep Marketing Agency
Coyote Control in the Eastern United States - Mississippi State University
When Coyotes Become a Nuisance - Nova Scotia
Missouri's Coyotes
Coyotes in Connecticut
Coyote - Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Evaluating Predation by Coyotes - TEXNAT
Visual Guide to Interpreting Physical Evidence of Coyote Predation on Domestic Livestock (poster)

Gray Wolf (Canus lupis) - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Red Wolf (Canus rufus) - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
International Wolf Center
Fact Sheet - Wolf Reintroduction into the United States - Abundant Wildlife Society of North America
Yellowstone Wolf News Page
Reintroduction of the Wolf into the Southwest U.S.
Dealing with Wolf Predation on the Ranch - Wyoming Department of Agriculture

American black bear (Ursus americanus)

Grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis)
Evaluating Predation by Bears - TEXNAT

Evaluating Predation by Dogs - TEXNAT

[PDF]  Feral Dogs - Wildlife Management
[PDF]  Dog Predation of Domestic Sheep in Ohio
Family Dogs Terrorize Sheep - Ontario, Canada
How to Differentiate Between Coyote and Dog Predation - Ontario, Canada
[PDF]  Recognising Wild Dog and Dingo Predation - Western Australia

Other Predators
Evaluating Predation by Eagles - TEXNAT
Evaluating Predation by Foxes - TEXNAT
Evaluating Predation by Bobcats - TEXNAT
Evaluating Predation by Cougars - TEXNAT
Evaluating Predation by Scavenging Birds - TEXNAT
[PDF]  Are Foxes Killing Your Lambs - Western Australia

Coyote Control in Alabama
[PDF]  Controlling Coyotes in Tennessee
Managing Coyote Problems in Kentucky
[PDF] Managing Predator Problems - Kansas State University
[PDF] Reducing Coyote Predation Through Sheep Management Techniques - University of Nevada Reno
[PDF] Controlling Coyote Predation on Sheep in California: A Model Strategy
Sheep Predator Control and Guard Animals - Manitoba, Canada
[PDF]  Helping Producers Manage Predation - USDA WS (brochure)
[PDF]  Producers Guide to Preventing Predation of Livestock - USDA APHIS
Preventing Losses to Bears - Ontario, Canada
Preventing Predation in Sheep Flocks - Alberta, Canada
[PDF, 2007] Predator control - Alberta Sheep & Wool Commission


Livestock Guard Dogs, Llamas, and Donkeys - Colorado State University
[PDF]  Livestock Guardians: Choosing a Guard Animal - California
[PDF]  The use of alpacas in reducing newborn lamb-fox predation: a preliminary study (Australia)
[PDF, 2007] Guardian animals for Alberta - Alberta Sheep & Wool Commission
[PDF, 2003] Guard Animals for Livestock Protection: Existing and Potential Use in Australia (2003)

Guardian Dogs
Livestock Guardian Dog Association
Dog Owner's Guide - Livestock Guard Dogs
Livestock Guardian Dogs - USDA APHIS
[PDF]  Raising and Training a Livestock Guardian Dog - Oregon State University
[PDF]  Predator Control with Guard Dogs - University of Wisconsin

Livestock Guardian Dog Resource - Farm &Flock Guardian Network
Livestock Guardian Dogs - Old World Dogs for the New World
Guard Dogs for Predator Control - Case AgWorld
Using Guard Dogs as Predator Control - Purdue University

[PDF]  Livestock Guardian Dogs - Saskatchewan, Canada

[PDF]  Guard Llamas: A Part of Integrated Sheep Protection - Iowa State University

Guardian Llamas - Rockaway Ranch
Llama Sheep Guards - Snake River Llamas
Guard Llamas -
Sheep Guarding - Llamapaedia
Llamas Guarding Sheep: Not Such a Far Fetched Idea - Backwoods Home Magazine
Guard Llamas Keep Sheep Safe from Coyotes - National Geographic magazine
[PDF]  Guard Llamas: An Alternative for Effective Predator Control
Llamas as Guardians - NOT!
Guardian Llama Placement Program

Guidelines for Using Donkeys as Guard Animals with Sheep - Ontario, Canada
Use of Donkeys to Guard Sheep and Goats - Texas Department of Agriculture
Guard Donkeys - Heart's Ease Farm

Fencing Page
Fencing Options in Predator Control - Ontario, Canada
Protecting Livestock from Predation with Electric Fences - Alberta, Canada
Sheep In, Coyotes Out: High Tensile Electric Fencing - Suite 101
Electric Fencing and Carnivore Damage Prevention
[PDF]  Electric Fencing for Black Bears - Virginia Department of Game
[PDF]  Fencing against predators - Oregon State University

Lethal Control
Trapping Depredating Coyotes - National Ag Safety Database
Proper Use of Snares for Capturing Fur Bearers - Natinal Ag Safety Database
Guide to Trapping Nuisance Coyotes - Missouri Dept. of Conservation
Guide to Snaring Nuisance Coyotes - Missouri Dept. of Conservation
[PDF]  Use of Snares for Capturing Coyotes - Kansas State University
[PDF]  Livestock Protection Collar - USDA WS | HTML
[PDF]  The M-44 Sodium Cyanide Ejector Mechanism - USDA APHIS | HTML
[PDF]  M-44 Cyanide Capsule - USDA APHIS Tech Note
How do you catch a coyote? - Universitsy of Georgia
[PDF]  Trapping Coyotes - Texas A&M
Controlling Coyotes with Snares - Texas A&M
[PDF]  Best Management Practices: Trapping Coyotes in the Eastern U.S.
[PDF]  Best Management Practices: Trapping Coyotes in the Western U.S.

Alternatives - Nonlethal
Alternative Methods of Predator Control - Texas A&M
[PDF]  Predator Control for Sustainable and Organic Livestock Production - ATTRA | HTML
[PDF] Coyote-activated frightening devices for reducing sheep predation on open range - USDA APHIS
[PDF]  Nonlethal techniques for managing predation
[PDF]  The Electronic Guard: a Tool in Predation Control - USDA WS | HTML
Wolf Management: Non-lethal Control - Wolf Trust logo 
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Last updated 11-Apr-2008 by Susan Schoenian.
