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Grímsnes   »  Summary


Grímsnes Photo

Subregion Name:Southwestern Iceland
Volcano Number:1701-06=
Volcano Type: Crater rows
Volcano Status:Tephrochronology
Last Known Eruption: 3500 BC (?) 
Summit Elevation: 214 m 702 feet
Latitude: 64.03°N * 64°2'0"N
Longitude: 20.87°W 20°52'0"W

Grímsnes is a relatively small volcanic system located SE of Thingvallavatn lake. The Grímsnes volcanic system is displaced about 15-20 km to the east of the other en echelon group of volcanic fields of the Western Volcanic Zone extending across the Reykjanes Peninsula. Grímsnes lava flows cover 54 sq km and were erupted from a group of 11 fissures that produced a series of NE-SW-trending crater rows. The eruptions of the basaltic Grímsnes lavas were considered to have been restricted to a relatively short interval between about 6500 and 5500 years ago, but later work showed that some of the lava flows were radiocarbon dated at between about 7400 and 8900 years ago.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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