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Arenales   »  Summary


Arenales Photo

Subregion Name:Southern Chile
Volcano Number:1508-059
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Volcano Status:Historical
Last Known Eruption: 1979 
Summit Elevation: 3437 m 11,276 feet
Latitude: 47.20°S 47°12'0"S
Longitude: 73.48°W 73°29'0"W

Cerro Arenales lies on the Northern Patagonian Ice Field SSW of Hudson volcano. Cerro (or Volcán) Arenales was recognized to be a volcano during a 1963 expedition traversing the Northern Patagonian Ice Field led by Eric Shipton, but it was considered to be extinct. However a small tephra deposit was observed blanketing the icecap on the SW flank of 3437-m-high Cerro Arenales on a March 8, 1979 Landsat image (Lliboutry, 1999). The same satellite image showed a larger tephra layer on the icecap south of Lautaro volcano, 205 km to the south.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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