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Cayutué-La Viguería   »  Summary

Cayutué-La Viguería

Cayutué-La Viguería Photo

Subregion Name:Southern Chile
Volcano Number:1508-012
Volcano Type: Pyroclastic cones
Volcano Status:Tephrochronology
Last Known Eruption: 1050 BC (?) 
Summit Elevation: 506 m 1,660 feet
Latitude: 41.25°S * 41°15'0"S
Longitude: 72.27°W 72°16'0"W

The Cayutué-La Viguería volcanic field consists of about 20 basaltic maars and cinder cones of Holocene age on a NNE-SSW alignment. The volcanic field occupies a low-lying area between the southern end of Ensenada Cayutué, the southern extension of Lake Todos los Santos, and the northern end of the Estuario Reloncaví, where the Río Petrohué, which drains lake Todos los Santos, reaches the sea. The volcanic field lies along the major regional N-S-trending Liquiñe-Ofqui fault zone. La Viguería and Volcán Cayutué are the principal cones. Formation of La Viguería cone and associated lava flows temporarily dammed the Río Petrohué about 3000 years ago, forming an ephemeral lake that was filled with deposits from Calbuco and Osorno volcanoes. Pyroclastic cones and lava flows of Volcán Cayutué filled the Ensenada de Cayutué depression, separating Lake Todos los Santos from Ralún Bay.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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