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Antofagasta de la Sierra   »  Summary

Antofagasta de la Sierra

Antofagasta de la Sierra Photo

Subregion Name:Argentina
Volcano Number:1505-18-
Volcano Type: Scoria cones
Volcano Status:Holocene
Last Known Eruption: Unknown
Summit Elevation: 4000? m 13,123 feet
Latitude: 26.08°S * 26°5'0"S
Longitude: 67.50°W 67°30'0"W

The Antofagasta de la Sierra volcanic field contains some of the youngest volcanic vents of the Argentinian Puna region. The volcanic field is located SW of Beltran volcano and between the Salar de Antofalla on the west and the massive Cerro Galán caldera on the east. The Antofagasta de la Sierra volcanic field contains several very youthful looking basaltic-andesite scoria cones and fresh-looking lava flows, which may only be a few thousand years old (Francis, 1982; de Silva and Francis, 1991). A concentration of scoria cones and lava flows east of the NE-SW-trending Salar de Antofalla, known as the Salar de Antofalla volcanic field, also have a youthful appearance, although precise ages are not knownf.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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