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Purico Complex   »  Summary

Purico Complex

Purico Complex Photo

Subregion Name:Northern Chile
Volcano Number:1505-094
Volcano Type: Pyroclastic shield
Volcano Status:Holocene
Last Known Eruption: Unknown
Summit Elevation: 5703 m 18,710 feet
Latitude: 23.00°S 23°0'0"S
Longitude: 67.75°W 67°45'0"W

The Purico volcanic complex consists of two ignimbrite sheets, separated by a short erosional interval, that were erupted about 1.3 million years ago, along with several stratovolcanoes and lava domes that define a postulated 10 x 20 km ring fracture. Cerro Toco volcano overlies the vent area of the Cajón Ignimbrite and a sulfur mine on its SE flank was mined until the early 1990s. The youngest lava domes, Cerro Chascón de Purico and Cerro Aspero are of Holocene age (de Silva and Francis, 1991). Both domes differ morphologically from many other flat-topped silicic Andean volcanic domes and have 300-400 m high conical profiles. Cerro Chascón was formed by a series of viscous lava flows, whereas Cerro Aspero appears to be a single Pelean-type dome. The Chascón de Purico dacitic dome rising 1200 m above the ignimbrite shield has a well-preserved summit crater and lava flows that show no evidence of glacial modification. The dacitic-to-andesitic Macon stratovolcano of Holocene age lies at the southern end of the complex, and the Alitar maar at the SE end displays constant solfataric activity.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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