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Putana   »  Summary


Putana Photo

Subregion Name:Northern Chile
Volcano Number:1505-09=
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Volcano Status:Historical
Last Known Eruption: 1810 ± 10 years
Summit Elevation: 5890 m 19,324 feet
Latitude: 22.55°S 22°33'0"S
Longitude: 67.85°W 67°51'0"W

Volcán Putana, also known as Jorgencal or Machuca, is part of a large, roughly N-S-trending volcanic complex that covers an area of 600 sq km. Vigorous fumarolic activity is visible at the 5890-m-high summit of Putana volcano from long distances. The main edifice, which formed primarily by lava effusion, consists of accumulated postglacial dacitic lava domes and flows mantling an older pre-Holocene volcano. The youngest basaltic andesite lava flows are viscous and rarely extend more than 3 km. A major eruption of unspecified character was reported in the early 19th century (Rudolph, 1955; Guest 1981, pers. comm.), although González-Ferrán (1995) indicated that no historical eruptions had occurred.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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