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Isluga   »  Summary


Isluga Photo

Subregion Name:Northern Chile
Volcano Number:1505-03=
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Volcano Status:Historical
Last Known Eruption: 1913 
Summit Elevation: 5550+ m 18,208 feet
Latitude: 19.15°S 19°9'0"S
Longitude: 68.83°W 68°50'0"W

The broad Isluga volcano lies 7 km west of the Chile/Bolivia border at the west end of a group of volcanoes extending to Tata Sabaya volcano in Bolivia. The 5550-m-high Isluga stratovolcano contains a well-preserved, 400-m-wide summit crater at the western end of the elongated, snow-covered summit region. Numerous postglacial lava flows, many showing distinct levees, are most prominent along a broad front on the lower southern flank. Activity from the summit crater was reported in the 19th and 20th centuries. A lava flow in 1878 destroyed several towns.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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