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Conchagüita   »  Summary


Conchagüita Photo

Country:El Salvador
Subregion Name:El Salvador
Volcano Number:1403-12=
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Volcano Status:Historical
Last Known Eruption: 1892 
Summit Elevation: 505 m 1,657 feet
Latitude: 13.229°N 13°13'43"N
Longitude: 87.767°W 87°46'3"W

Conchagüita volcano occupies a small, 4-km-wide island in the Gulf of Fonseca across a narrow strait from Conchagua volcano. Late-stage eruptions formed a small, sharp-topped cone with a 100-m-wide summit crater at the southern end of the low 505-m-high island, and a youthful peninsula also extends from the island's eastern side. A crescent-shaped crater open to the west is located at the northern end of the island. Minor ash emissions in 1892 marked the only historical eruption from Conchagüita, the easternmost Holocene volcano in El Salvador.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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