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Usulután   »  Summary


Usulután Photo

Country:El Salvador
Subregion Name:El Salvador
Volcano Number:1403-081
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Volcano Status:Holocene
Last Known Eruption: Unknown
Summit Elevation: 1449 m 4,754 feet
Latitude: 13.419°N 13°25'8"N
Longitude: 88.471°W 88°28'14"W

Usulután volcano anchors the SE end of a cluster of basaltic to basaltic-andesite stratovolcanoes between San Vicente and San Miguel volcanoes. The flanks of the forested Usulután volcano are dissected, but youthful lava flows are present on its southern flanks. The younger summit rocks of 1449-m-high Usulután and Cerro Nanzal pyroclastic cone on the lower SE flank were mapped as Holocene (Weber and Wiesemann, 1978). A broad 1.3-km-wide crater is breached to the east from the summit of Usulután to its lower flank.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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