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Cerro Cinotepeque   »  Summary

Cerro Cinotepeque

Cerro Cinotepeque Photo

Country:El Salvador
Subregion Name:El Salvador
Volcano Number:1403-051
Volcano Type: Volcanic field
Volcano Status:Holocene
Last Known Eruption: Unknown
Summit Elevation: 665 m 2,182 feet
Latitude: 14.02°N 14°1'0"N
Longitude: 89.25°W 89°15'0"W

Cerro Cinotepeque is the largest and most prominent of a group of four pyroclastic cones of Holocene age mapped by Weber and Weismann (1978) in low-lying areas on either side of the Río Lempa, about 40 km north of San Salvador. Cerro Cinotepeque (also spelled Cinotepec) lies south of the river; two other cones, Cerro Santiago and Cerro Mosquito, lie immediately north of the river. A fourth cone is located along the Río Gualchayo about 10 km farther north. A large group of small Pleistocene stratovolcanoes and pyroclastic cones constructed along NW-SE-trending faults is located west and south of Cerro Cinotepeque and west of Guazapa volcano.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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