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Rocard   »  Summary


A photograph is not available for this volcano.

Subregion Name:Society Islands
Volcano Number:1303-02-
Volcano Type: Submarine volcano
Volcano Status:Seismicity
Last Known Eruption: 1972 
Summit Elevation: -2100 m - 6,890 feet
Latitude: 17.642°S 17°38'30"S
Longitude: 148.60°W 148°36'0"W

Rocard is a recently discovered submarine volcano about halfway between Tahiti and Mehetia islands. It displayed seismicity in 1966, 1971, and 1972 that may have resulted from submarine eruptions (Talandier and Custer, 1976). Rocks dredged from the volcano in 1986 "exploded" when they reached the surface, suggesting recent lava extrusion that had not yet had time to equilabrate with pressure and temperature conditions on the submerged flanks of the edifice. The summit of Rocard lies 2100 m below sea level east of Teahitia seamount and north of Moua Pihaa seamount. Rocard is much smaller than its neighboring seamounts.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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