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Roundtop   »  Summary


Roundtop Photo

Country:United States
Subregion Name:Aleutian Islands
Volcano Number:1101-38-
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Volcano Status:Radiocarbon
Last Known Eruption: 7600 BC ± 500 years
Summit Elevation: 1871 m 6,138 feet
Latitude: 54.80°N 54°48'0"N
Longitude: 163.589°W 163°35'20"W

The flat-topped, glacier-covered Roundtop volcano is the easternmost and lowest of an E-W-trending line of volcanoes on eastern Unimak Island. Roundtop lies 13 km SW of the village of False Pass. The snow and ice-covered edifice fills much of a 3-km-wide caldera that formed during the early Holocene. The caldera-forming eruption produced pyroclastic flows and a rhyolitic tephra layer that is widespread throughout the southwestern end of the Alaska Peninsula. A group of lava domes was constructed south of Roundtop volcano. No historical eruptions are known from the 1871-m-high stratovolcano. In the 1930s warm springs were found on its slopes.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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