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Jingbo   »  Summary


A photograph is not available for this volcano.

Subregion Name:Eastern China
Volcano Number:1005-04-
Volcano Type: Volcanic field
Volcano Status:Radiocarbon
Last Known Eruption: 520 BC ± 100 years
Summit Elevation: 1000? m 3,281 feet
Latitude: 44.08°N * 44°5'0"N
Longitude: 128.83°E 128°50'0"E

The Jingbo volcanic field, also known as Ching-pe, Chingpohu, or Jingbohu, is a Pliocene-to-Holocene volcanic field in the Jingbo (or Jingpo) Lake area in Heilongjiang Province. The scenic Jingbohu ("Mirror Lake"), a major tourist attraction in NE China, was formed when lava flows blocked the Mudan River (Mudanjiang). The NE-striking Dunhua-Mishan fault controls the location of many vents. One alkali basaltic lava flow traveled 100 km down a canyon NW of the lake. Many Holocene trachybasaltic or basantic cones and lava flows lie atop plateaus along the Mudan River, which also contain basanitic and tephriphonolitic rocks. Mantle xenoliths are common in Jingbo volcanic rocks. A period of major activity about 5500-5200 years ago produced extensive lava flows that covered an area of about 500 sq km.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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