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Komarov   »  Summary


Komarov Photo

Subregion Name:Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia)
Volcano Number:1000-22=
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Volcano Status:Radiocarbon
Last Known Eruption: 950 AD (in or after)
Summit Elevation: 2070 m 6,791 feet
Latitude: 55.032°N 55°1'54"N
Longitude: 160.720°E 160°43'12"E

Komarov volcano (also known as Komarova) is a complex structure situated at the northern half of the Gamchen ridge. An eccentric 2.5 x 4 km caldera contains a young twin cone and flank explosive domes. The youngest cone, 2070-m-high Komarov, was built at the western end of the caldera. It is capped by two craters, one at the summit and the other on the upper east flank. Lengthy Holocene lava flows extend beyond the caldera to the east and west. Growth of Komarov volcano began about 1500 years ago following cessation of activity at Visokii volcano. No historical eruptions are known, but the summit region has undergone extensive hydrothermal alteration, and fumarolic areas occur there and on the northern and southern flanks.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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