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Diky Greben   »  Summary

Diky Greben

Diky Greben Photo

Subregion Name:Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia)
Volcano Number:1000-022
Volcano Type: Lava domes
Volcano Status:Radiocarbon
Last Known Eruption: 350 AD ± 300 years
Summit Elevation: 1070 m 3,510 feet
Latitude: 51.45°N 51°27'0"N
Longitude: 156.97°E 156°58'0"E

Diky Greben is a late-stage Holocene lava-dome complex that formed in the center of the 20 x 25 km Pauzhetka caldera. This large caldera was associated with eruption of the voluminous rhyolitic Golygin ignimbrite during the late Pleistocene, about 0.443 million years ago. Both Diky Greben and the Kurile Lake caldera, immediately to the east, are Holocene volcanoes constructed within the Pauzhetka caldera. The initial eruptions of Diky Greben took place about 7600-7700 years ago, immediately following the Kurile Lake eruption. Most of the volcano, particularly the thick lava flows north and south of Nepriyatnaya Mountain, was formed during an eruption about 1600 years ago. A total of 9-10 cu km of dacitic and 2-3 cu km of andesitic lavas and tephras were erupted at this time. Two large craters and a few smaller vents were formed after this eruption.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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