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Rasshua   »  Summary


Rasshua Photo

Subregion Name:Kuril Islands
Volcano Number:0900-22=
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Volcano Status:Historical
Last Known Eruption: 1957 
Summit Elevation: 956 m 3,136 feet
Latitude: 47.77°N 47°46'0"N
Longitude: 153.02°E 153°1'0"E

The elongated 6 x 13 km island of Rasshua in the central Kuriles contains three overlapping central cones within a 6 km caldera whose eastern margin is beyond the shoreline. An eroded central cone was constructed during the late Pleistocene, along with an isolated cone near the NW coast. Two Holocene cones were built within the crater of the central cone. The westernmost forms the 956 m high point of the island and is the source of lava flows that flooded the crater floor and descended to the coast. The easternmost cone, active during historical time, is truncated by a 500-m-wide crater that is breached to the SE. This crater may have formed during a violent eruption in 1846. The only other known historical eruption produced weak explosions in 1957. Fumarolic activity continues in the eastern crater and in the saddle between the two summit cones.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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