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Golets-Tornyi Group   »  Summary

Golets-Tornyi Group

Golets-Tornyi Group Photo

Subregion Name:Kuril Islands
Volcano Number:0900-091
Volcano Type: Pyroclastic cones
Volcano Status:Holocene?
Last Known Eruption: Unknown
Summit Elevation: 442 m 1,450 feet
Latitude: 45.25°N 45°15'0"N
Longitude: 148.35°E 148°21'0"E

The small pyroclastic cones of Golets and Tornyi, located SW of Medvezhii volcano at one of the narrowest parts of Iturup Island, formed during the late Pleistocene or early Holocene. A small lava flow from 417-m-high Tornyi cone occupies a broad glacial cirque. The 442-m-high andesitic-dacitic Golets cone, constructed above the eroded remnants of the Pleistocene Parusnaya Mountain volcano, produced lava flows that reached the coast.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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