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Daisetsu   »  Summary


Daisetsu Photo

Subregion Name:Hokkaido (Japan)
Volcano Number:0805-06=
Volcano Type: Stratovolcanoes
Volcano Status:Tephrochronology
Last Known Eruption: 1739 (in or after)
Summit Elevation: 2290 m 7,513 feet
Latitude: 43.661°N 43°39'40"N
Longitude: 142.858°E 142°51'29"E

The Daisetsu volcano group (also spelled Taisetsu) lies at the northern end of the Daisetsu-Tokachi graben in central Hokkaido. It consists of a complex group of stratovolcanoes and lava domes associated with a small, 2-km-wide caldera. The eight satellitic volcanoes are aligned along a ring fracture that is centered over the eastern rim of the caldera. Asahi-dake, the highest peak of the complex, was constructed 3 km SW of the center of the caldera. Other stratovolcanoes are located along a NE-SW line cutting through the caldera that trends toward the Tokachi volcano complex to the SW. In contrast to the Tokachi group, no historical eruptions are known from Daisetsu, although the latest phreatic eruption took place sometime after 1739 AD. Fumarolic areas are located on Asahi-dake, where at one time sulfur was mined, and in the caldera.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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