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Fukujin   »  Summary


A photograph is not available for this volcano.

Subregion Name:Volcano Islands (Japan)
Volcano Number:0804-133
Volcano Type: Submarine volcano
Volcano Status:Historical
Last Known Eruption: 1974 
Summit Elevation: -217 m - 712 feet
Latitude: 21.93°N 21°56'0"N
Longitude: 143.47°E 143°28'0"E

One of the larger of the submarine volcanoes of the Marianas arc, Fukujin seamount has risen on occasion to just beneath the sea surface. Intermittent periods of water discoloration have been observed since the mid-20th century, and eruptions producing floating pumice were noted on several occasions.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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