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Numazawa   »  Summary


Numazawa Photo

Subregion Name:Honshu (Japan)
Volcano Number:0803-151
Volcano Type: Shield volcano
Volcano Status:Radiocarbon
Last Known Eruption: 3400 BC (?) 
Summit Elevation: 1100 m 3,609 feet
Latitude: 37.450°N 37°27'1"N
Longitude: 139.579°E 139°34'44"E

Numazawa is a small, 2-km-wide dominantly dacitic-to-rhyolitic caldera constructed within an older Pliocene caldera. Eruptions of the 110,00 yrs Before Present (BP) rhyolitic Shibahara pyroclastic-fall deposit and the 71,000 BP dacitic Mukuresawa lava dome were followed by the dacitic plinian Mizunuma eruption about 45,000 years before present (BP), emplacement of the Sozan lava dome at 43,000 BP and the So-zan lava dome at about 20,000 BP. The Numazawako pumice flow and plinian eruption about 4600 years BP resulted in formation of the 1.5 x 2 km Numazawako caldera, now largely filled by a caldera lake.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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