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Nakano-shima   »  Summary


Nakano-shima Photo

Subregion Name:Ryukyu Islands (Japan)
Volcano Number:0802-04=
Volcano Type: Stratovolcanoes
Volcano Status:Historical
Last Known Eruption: 1914 
Summit Elevation: 979 m 3,212 feet
Latitude: 29.856°N 29°51'20"N
Longitude: 129.859°E 129°51'33"E

The 9 x 5 km island of Nakano-shima is surrounded by coral reefs. A flat plateau separates an older dissected volcano on the south from the active andesitic cone of On-take, which forms the northern half of the island. On-take contains a summit crater that is filled with water during the rainy season. Sulfur deposits were mined at a SE-flank solfatara until 1944. Only very minor activity has been reported in historical time. A small mud eruption took place in 1914 at the summit crater, and "smoking" increased in 1949.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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