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A photograph is not available for this volcano.

Subregion Name:East of Taiwan
Volcano Number:0801-03=
Volcano Type: Submarine volcano
Volcano Status:Historical
Last Known Eruption: 1853 
Summit Elevation: Unknown
Latitude: 24.00°N 24°0'0"N
Longitude: 121.83°E 121°50'0"E

A submarine eruption observed by the U.S. Navy boat "Southampton" took place on October 29, 1853 in the Philippine Sea offshore from the city of Hualien about 18 km from the eastern coast of Taiwan. Several days later another ship, the "Macedonian," passed the same location and reported white ash covering its curtains.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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