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Garua Harbour   »  Summary

Garua Harbour

Garua Harbour Photo

Country:Papua New Guinea
Subregion Name:New Britain
Volcano Number:0502-06=
Volcano Type: Volcanic field
Volcano Status:Holocene?
Last Known Eruption: Unknown
Summit Elevation: 565 m 1,854 feet
Latitude: 5.30°S * 5°18'0"S
Longitude: 150.07°E 150°4'0"E

The Garua (Talasea) Harbour volcanic field consists of a group of lava domes and ash cones of possible Holocene age. These volcanic vents ring the harbor on the west and form Garua Island to the east. Much of the volcanic field, including the two lava domes on Garua Island, consists of rhyolitic rocks. Active hot springs ring the shores of Garua Harbour and are best developed on the north and south sides. Large boiling pools, fumaroles, and small geysers are found on the north shore near Pangalu village. Another large group of boiling pools, fumaroles, and mudpots is located near the Talasea Government Station on the south shore of the bay.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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