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Rumble IV   »  Summary

Rumble IV

A photograph is not available for this volcano.

Country:New Zealand
Subregion Name:New Zealand
Volcano Number:0401-12-
Volcano Type: Submarine volcano
Volcano Status:Fumarolic
Last Known Eruption: Unknown
Summit Elevation: 500 m 1,640 feet
Latitude: 36.13°S 36°8'0"S
Longitude: 178.05°E 178°3'0"E

The submarine volcano Rumble IV was thought to have been active from April to December of 1966, based on hydrophone signals (Kibblewhite, 1967), but later evidence indicates that the hydrophone array had been damaged and that the signals originated from Rumble III (Hall, 1985). Fresh, glassy andesitic lava was dredged from the summit of Rumble IV. In 1992 gas bubbles were acoustically detected rising from Rumble IV (Global Volcanism Network Bulletin).

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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