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May-ya-moto   »  Summary


A photograph is not available for this volcano.

Country:DR Congo
Subregion Name:Central Africa
Volcano Number:0203-01=
Volcano Type: Fumarole field
Volcano Status:Fumarolic
Last Known Eruption: Unknown
Summit Elevation: 950 m 3,117 feet
Latitude: 0.93°S 0°56'0"S
Longitude: 29.33°E 29°20'0"E

May-ya-moto, also known as Maji ja moto, is an isolated hydrothermal field in the Albert National Park south of Lake Edward. The thermal area is located at an altitude of 950 m in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo NW of the Virunga Mountains about 38 km north of the town of Rutschuru. The May-ya-moto thermal area contains fumaroles and hot springs with temperatures of less than 100 degrees Centigrade. Although the age of volcanic activity was not stated, May-ya-moto was included in the Catalog of Active Volcanoes of the World (Richard and Neumann van Padang, 1957) based on its thermal activity.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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