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Namarunu   »  Summary


Namarunu Photo

Subregion Name:Eastern Africa
Volcano Number:0202-04-
Volcano Type: Shield volcano
Volcano Status:Tephrochronology
Last Known Eruption: 6550 BC ± 1000 years
Summit Elevation: 817 m 2,680 feet
Latitude: 1.98°N 1°59'0"N
Longitude: 36.43°E 36°26'0"E

The largely Pliocene Namarunu trachytic shield volcano is topped by parasitic cones and lava flows of upper Pleistocene and Holocene age. Voluminous basaltic effusive and explosive activity took place during the early Holocene on the lower northern, eastern, and southern flanks along the axis of the East African Rift, producing fissure-controlled subaerial basaltic scoria cones and lava flows, and partially or completely sublacustral tuff cones, tuff rings, and pillow lavas. Fluid olivine basalts were also erupted from a breached scoria cone forming the summit of Namarunu. The youngest eruptions postdated the drying out of Lake Sugata about 3000 years ago. Some could be as recent as the historical eruptions at The Barrier volcano to the north (Dunkley et al., 1993). Hot springs are located on some of the young volcanic cones on the rift valley floor and on the eastern side of the rift along the base of the Tirr Tirr Plateau.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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