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Porak   »  Summary


Porak Photo

Subregion Name:Western Asia
Volcano Number:0104-09-
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Volcano Status:Anthropology
Last Known Eruption: 778 BC ± 5 years
Summit Elevation: 2800 m 9,186 feet
Latitude: 40.02°N 40°1'0"N
Longitude: 45.78°E 45°47'0"E

The mid-Pleistocene Porak volcano lies in the Vardeniss volcanic ridge about 20 km SE of Lake Sevan. The volcanic field straddles the Armenia/Azerbaijan border, and lava flows extend into both countries. The flanks of the volcano are dotted with 10 satellitic cones and fissure vents. Porak volcano was constructed along the active Pambak-Sevan strike-slip fault, which has bisected the mid-Pleistocene Khonarassar volcano, separating its two halves by about 800 m. Two large lava flows from Porak volcano traveled up to 21 km north and NW, and fresh-looking lava flows form peninsulas extending into Lake Alagyol. Fifth century BC petroglyphs were interpreted to depict volcanic eruptions (Karakhanian et al., 2002). Porak volcano is referred to in a famous cuneiform inscription as Mount Bamni, and stratigraphic and archeological evidence indicates that an explosive eruption also producing a lava flow occurred at the time of a military battle dated to 782-773 BC.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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