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Child Advocacy, Safety and Protection

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What Is Child Advocacy?

Child advocacy includes parents, professionals, teachers, and organizations dedicated to emphasizing and protecting the rights of children. The core of child advocacy to make sure that children are allowed to develop at normal, optimal levels. Child advocacy seeks to ensure that development and growth is not stunted by people who would abuse or ignore child rights, or put children in danger. Child advocacy generally concerns itself with the following areas, but child advocacy is certainly not limited to the following areas: child prostitution, child abuse, child pornography, child labor, and corporal punishment of children in schools.

Children do not have any real power on their own in society. Children are often voiceless victims, silent in the face of their oppression and abuse. Even if children do seek out help, an uncaring or indifferent adult can wreck whatever chances they have of finding relief. Furthermore, in many situations, children are put in dangerous and bad situations by their own parents. Child advocacy sometimes involves child advocates who must defend children from their own parents. Child advocacy can include removing children from unsafe and dangerous environments, seeking out legal justice for illegal acts and violations, and changing laws to protect children who are endangered.

There are many different child advocacy organizations. You can find child advocacy organizations and representatives in communities, churches, and schools. On a larger, global scale, the United Nations and UNICEF have long been concerned about and focused on child advocacy. But in many cases, that is simply not enough. For example, child labor is common in countries like China. There are no child advocacy organizations lobbying for tighter child labor laws. Child labor is an economic reality and a necessity. Child advocacy is not the only thing that will change the regrettable situation in that nation, and other nations like it. It will require a change in perspective from the entire world, as well as heavy economic consequences and sanctions from western countries.

If you are interested in learning more about child advocacy, child advocacy laws, or child advocacy organizations, you should contact your local school or church. Often, they will be able to point you in the right direction. You can also begin working as a child advocate in your own neighborhood and community, ensuring that children have safe places to go to and safe adults to talk to in case of abuse or endangerment.


For more information about child advocacy and child safety please visit these websites:

National Childrens Alliance
The national childrens alliance center provides information about child safety centers across the United States.

Child Abuse Prevention Network
Resource for professionals working in the field of child abuse

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
A resource for professionals and citizens about missing children

Child Safety
The largest and most comprehensive website for home safety, workplace safety and office safety. Child safety product reviews, buyer's guides, tips and advice and many helpful parenting and safety articles.
An educational internet safety website for children and families

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