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March 2007


The Laboratory in the News

Partnering to Enhance Americans’ Health
Commentary by Tomás Diaz de la Rubia

Advancing the Frontiers in Cancer Research
Researchers from the University of California Davis Cancer Center and Lawrence Livermore are teaming up to fight cancer.

On the Leading Edge of Atmospheric Predictions
Continual research and development at the National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center help mitigate the consequences of toxic airborne hazards.

Climate and Agriculture: Change Begets Change
A Livermore researcher is using computer models to explore how a warmer climate may affect crop yields in California.

New Routes to High Temperatures and Pressures
With functionally graded density impactors composed of thin metal and polyethylene films, researchers can explore new areas of experimental physics.

From Sound Waves to Stars: Teller’s Contributions to Shock Physics
Edward Tellers interest in shock physics led to significant developments in both basic and applied science.

Patents and Awards

View the entire March issue in PDF. Each article is also available in printer-friendly format at the end of each html version.

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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550-9234
S&TR Office: (925) 423-3432
Operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy

UCRL-TR-52000-07-3 | March 12, 2007