January 2006
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Controlled Environment Agriculture Program
University of Arizona
1951 East Roger Road  ~  Tucson, AZ 85719
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Evaluation of two commercial products (K-Tionic and Biozyme) to increase yield, quality and post-harvest characteristics on intensive crop products

Industry supporter:  Mr. Alejandro Rodriguez (GBM)
Francisco Amaya Garcia (GBM) and Dr. Merle H. Jensen, Plant Sciences

GBM is a Mexican company based in Saltillo, Coahuila, which has been operating in Latin America mainly, but also in North America, and parts of Europe, for 30 years. The objective of the existing project is to fully validate and comprehend the effects and properties of these two products (a fulvic acid and a natural plant growth regulator) in order to successfully market the GBM products in the U.S. vegetable and fruit production industries. For the initial trials, the crops chosen were lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, squash and melons, for these are intensive crops that are widely grown in the vegetable production areas of the western U.S. The trials were basically designed to find in these products:  Tangible benefits in regards of yield, quality, post-harvest characteristics, etc., and their mode of action on a physiological level, which will permit to technically support their commercial development.
In Progress 2004 - 2005
Cherry Tomato Fruit Yield & QualityHigh Lycopene Tomato - Plasma Lycopene LevelsPhysiology of Plants & Fruits Quality Under High EC
Plant Growth & Quality with Nutritional AdditivesSurvey on Lycopene Content in Fresh Tomatoes
Two Commercial Products - K-Tionic & Biozyme Use of Grafted Seedlings For Commercial Production
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