January 2006
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Controlled Environment Agriculture Program
University of Arizona
1951 East Roger Road  ~  Tucson, AZ 85719
Phone: 520.626.9566
The University Of Arizona
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Analysis of Environment for Efficient Crop Production Analysis of Irrigation Water Use Efficiency
Minimizing Water Use & Developing a Control Strategy Natural Ventilation for Mexican Greenhouses
Water Use by Greenhouse Tomato Plants
Minimizing Water Use and Developing a Control Strategy for Evaporative Cooling a Greenhouse in
Semi-Arid Climate

Nadia Sabeh, PhD Student, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

The primary goal of this research is to find a cooling control strategy that minimizes the use of water to evaporatively cool a greenhouse in a semi-arid climate.  In Southern Arizona light is plentiful; however, the hot, arid summer climate necessitates vigorous cooling of the greenhouse system. Due to the dry climate, evaporative cooling (cooling the air by evaporating water) is extremely effective in Southern Arizona. This research will provide water use data from two main evaporative cooling systems, fan-and-pad (FP) and high-pressure fog (HPF) under forced and natural ventilation conditions.  Water and energy balance equations have been used to theoretically determine the evaporative cooling requirement, and experiments will be conducted to validate these models.  The experiments will all provide information about water use efficiency (WUE) in an evaporatively cooled greenhouse with tomato production.  Finally, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) will be used to model the HPF system.

Cooperators:  Dr. Chieri Kubota, PLS, Dr. Gene Giacomelli, ABE, Dr. Christopher Choi, ABE, Dr. Alfredo Huete, SWES

Technical support: Mr. Stephen Kania, ABE

In progress 2004 – 2006
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