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CTAHR Banner

Initiate a OCS Project

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Below is a simple outline that shows how to take your idea for a project to its successful completion.

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Step 1:

Contact the appropriate OCS specialist for an initial consultation. Contact the OCS director if you are unsure about which specialist is most appropriate for your proposed job.

Please take the time to consider the following before contacting OCS:
  • The objectives of your project
  • Your desired outcomes
  • Your audience
  • Sources of funding
  • If it will be a printed piece, the approximate amount you will need to accomplish your objectives

Step 2:

Download and fill out OCS's Form 294, our job request form.

Step 3:

Submit your Form 294 along with the appropriate materials (manuscript, image files, etc.) to the specialist with whom you had the initial consultation.

Step 4:

Be a team player! The successful completion of your job depends just as much on your cooperation as it does on the expertise and professionalism of OCS specialists.

Step 5:

Upon completion of your job, please download and fill out OCS's evaluation form. Fax or email it to the OCS director.

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Last updated 1/12/2005