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Rewarding Work

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Manitoba’s Rewarding Work is a four-year Manitoba strategy to address poverty by giving people hope and dignity through employment. Rewarding Work programs will provide benefits to low-income working families. They will also help Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) participants move from EIA to work by increasing the advantages of employment over EIA. The strategy is meant to:
  • improve employability by increasing education and training opportunities
  • encourage work by helping low-income working families with the costs of raising their children
  • make it easier to move from EIA to work by offering support to help people find work
  • keep people in jobs by providing ongoing support to encourages them to stay employed 

*To find the Employment and Income Assistance office closest to you, please contact a Winnipeg Service Location or Rural and Northern Service Location in your area.


Contact us to find the 
Employment & Income
Assistance Winnipeg or
Rural and Northern
office near you

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