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  Native Peoples of North America


Selected Titles

Allen, Paula Gunn. (Ed.) 1990. Spider Woman's Granddaughters: Traditional Tales & Contemporary Writing by Native American Women. NY: Ballantine Books. 279 p.

In this compendium of traditional oral stories Allen (Laguna) draws upon elder women's stories from as far back as the turn-of-the century. Topics focus on feminine issues and the urgency of survival and endurance.
Armstrong, Virginia I. (Ed.) 1971. I Have Spoken: American History Through the Voices of the Indians. Athens: Ohio University Press. 206 p.
The power of Native American oratory is demonstrated in this selection of speeches dating from the early 1600s to the 20th century.
Crosby, Alfred W. 1972. The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492. Westport, Ct: Greenwood Press. 268 p.
Subjects include the devastating impact of European diseases on the first people of the Americas, European plants and animals in the Americas, the early history of syphilis, and the demographic changes in Europe, Africa, and Asia due to plants imported from the Americas. Early written sources are presented.
Deloria, Vine, Jr. 1988. Custer Died for Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 296 p.
Deloria (Standing Rock Sioux) presents Indian-White relations from a native point of view, discussing missionaries, anthropologists, government agencies, the Red and the Black, and Indian leadership.
Driver, Harold E. 1969. Indians of North America. (Rev. Ed.) Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 612 p.
Covering North America from the Arctic to Panama, the author discusses topics such as subsistence patterns, music, religion, education, language families, types of family patterns and weaving techniques, frequently in geographic contexts illustrated with maps.
Hoxie, Frederick E. (Ed.) 1988. Indians in American History: An Introduction. Arlington Heights, IL: Harlan Davidson Inc. 315 p.
Topics covered include Indian/White relations, pre-Columbian America, Indians and the American constitution, native perspectives on national expansion, and modern struggles for civil rights. Four of the thirteen contributors are Native American.
Josephy, Alvin M., Jr. 1982. Now That the Buffalo's Gone: A Study of Today's American Indian. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 300 p.
Topics covered include stereotypes, water rights, retaining spirituality, and the quest for self-determination.
Josephy, Alvin M., Jr. 1968. The Indian Heritage of America. NY: Knopf. 366 p.
Organized by regions such as the Plains, Northeast, and Southern Andes, this work discusses the cultural history of the original peoples of the Western Hemisphere, including topics such as early man, the impact of the white man, and the Indian's fight for survival.
Nabokov, Peter and Easton, Robert. 1990. Native American Architecture. NY: Oxford University Press. 431 p.
This illustrated work expands the notion of architecture to include entire ways of life. Language and territorial maps, photographs and drawings are included.
Niethammer, Carolyn. 1977. Daughters of the Earth. NY: Macmillian. 304 p.
Drawing primarily from tribal histories, Niethammer explores the emotional and practical sides of native women's traditional home-keeping, including sexuality, romance, economics, war, and aging.
Reader's Digest. 1990. America's Fascinating Indian Heritage. Pleasantville, NY: Reader's Digest Press. 416 p.
Organized by geographic area, this work describes traditional Native American culture including first Indians, social systems, art, industries, methods of food procurement, housing, beliefs, and contemporary life. Line drawings, photographs, paintings, and museum artifacts accompany the text.
Shanks, Ralph and Lisa. 1994. North American Indian Travel Guide. Petaluma, CA: CostaƁo Books. 294 p.
This large-format guide covers the United States and Canada with a state-by-state and province-by-province listing of Indian reservations, museums, archaeological sites, and events open to the public. Illustrated with black and white photographs.
Tedlock, Dennis and Barbara. (Ed.) 1992. Teachings From the American Earth: Indian Religion and Philosophy. NY: Liveright Press. 279 p.
This collection of essays includes the work of native spiritual leaders and anthropologists.
Thornton, Russell. 1990. American Indian Holocaust and Survival: A Population History Since 1492. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. 352 p.
Thornton discusses the events responsible for the decline in Indian communities over the past 500 years.
Wall, Steve and Arden, Harvey. 1991. Wisdomkeepers: Meetings with Native American Spiritual Elders. Hillsboro, OR: Beyond Words Publishing, Inc. 128 p.
This illustrated work contains biographical sketches and spiritual quotes from both women and men.
Prepared by the National Museum of the American Indian,
in cooperation with the Public Inquiry Mail Service,
Smithsonian Institution 6/97

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