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Architectural Studies
HES Extension

HES Extension

Architectural Studies
Academic Department

Program Description

This is a community participatory process-training program. Extension specialists work with the community to enable residents to take charge and make decisions about their own communities. This in turn leads to enhanced community sustainability and improved environmental stewardship in both residential and commercial sections of the community.

Target Audience

All of the community ‘stakeholders’ can participate in the planning process. This will enable citizens of the community to play a meaningful part in determining the quality and character of their community and contribute towards community sustainability. In addition, this program provides the opportunity for Regional Extension specialists to learn more about participatory planning process and enable them to facilitate this process in communities in their regions.

Program Objectives

The educational objectives of this program fall into two categories: Environmental sustainability/affordability and community revitalization. The Environmental sustainability portion covers information on green architecture, regionally appropriate design and ecologically sustainable design. The community revitalization section involves participatory processes. During this phase of the program extension specialists, homeowners, neighborhood and community leaders develop partnerships to facilitate community design and planning processes learned during phase one. These methods allow people to take care of their environments and have some measure of control over their own lives leading to opportunities to foster ‘sense of community.’

Anticipated Outcomes

Community participants will have the resource materials, skills and experience necessary to plan and execute a sustainable community planning process from conception, diagnosis, through implementation. Extension personnel will be able to facilitate the sustainable revitalization community assessment process in communities in their respective regions using these resource materials and processes.

Contact Person

Ronn Phillips, Environmental Design State Specialist


Michael Goldschmidt, AIA CSI, Resident Instruction Assistant Professor & State Specialist


Architectural Studies-HES Extension

Human Environmental Sciences Extension

 External sites are not endorsed by the University of Missouri.

HES Extension Site Administrator
Last updated: 10/27/08


Outreach and Extension-University of Missouri

HES Extension Site Administrator:

last updated: 10/27/08
Copyright  ADA Equal Opportunity