Alaska EPSCoR
PO Box 757010
182 Arctic Health Research Building
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7010, USA

phone: 907.474.5895

Welcome to Alaska EPSCoR

Alaska EPSCoR is a university-state partnership which builds Alaska-based research. We are addressing national scientific priorities and training students for the 21st century technologically based workforce.

EPSCoR programs in 25 states, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands aim to strengthen science and technology infrastructure for enhanced research competitiveness in universities, for broader participation of students in science, mathematics, and engineering, and for increased linkages among higher education, government agencies, and the private sector.

Winter 2008/2009 Newsletter

Click here to read our latest newsletter!

Alaska EPSCoR Phase III News

Alaska EPSCoR funding

Alaska EPSCoR has been awarded funding from the National Science Foundation for its Phase III proposal, "Resilience and Vulnerability in a Rapidly Changing North: The Integration of Physical, Biological and Social Processes." This award began July 1, 2007 and runs until July 1, 2010. The State of Alaska also provides significant funding to the project. Peter Schweitzer is the new director. F. Stuart Chapin of the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Lilian Alessa of the University of Alaska Anchorage are co-principal investigators. Click here for the project summary.

Alasks EPSCoR Phase IV

Call for concept papers

Alaska became an EPSCoR state in 2000 and is currently in the midst of Phase III spanning 2007-2010. We are submitting a new proposal to NSF for a Research Infrastructure and Improvement  (RII) award as Phase IV in October 2009. This award would allow Alaska EPSCoR to continue to strengthen Alaska's academic science and engineering research. For more information on the call for concept papers, please download our Phase IV announcement  or call the EPSCoR office at 474-5895.

2008-2009 Award Programs

Alaska EPSCoR is pleased to announce the following 2008-2009 award programs:

Our program flier provides a summary of programs and effective deadlines; please print and post as a reminder of important dates.

Proposal Support

Proposal-writing support to University of Alaska rural campuses
In direct response to feedback we received at the NSF proposal-writing workshop in August, we have launched a new program to help University of Alaska rural campuses across the state write more competitive grant proposals. For more information, contact Alaska EPSCoR executive officer Anne Sudkamp.

Additional Funding Opportunities

A biology post-doc position for 2008-2009 is currently open. Click to learn more!

Funding Sources

Need ideas for where to find funding for your next project? UAF post doctoral fellow Jennifer Schmidt has compiled a list of funding sources aimed at stimulating research in the biological, social and physical sciences.

Co-funding Initiative

Strategic Plan

Click here to view and dowwnload the Alaska EPSCoR Strategic Plan.