
Institute for Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

Utah is blessed with an abundance of outstanding natural resources on both its public and private lands, providing great destinations and attractions for outdoor recreationists and tourists.  In 2006, 19.3 million visitors traveled to Utah (Utah Office of Tourism, Governor's Office of Economic Development).  Taken together, outdoor recreation and tourism represent one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of Utah's economy, with tourism accounting for an estimated $5.87 billion in traveler spending and 125,800 tourism-related jobs in 2006.  This visitor spending generated $467 million in state and local tax revenues, revenue that helps pay for services and infrastructure Utah residents and visitors use and enjoy.  The Utah tourism industry continues to be a significant driver of the state's economy.  Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. realizes the importance of tourism as a component in mainstream economic development efforts in the state, and sees two primary benefits: 1) increased tourism will provide Utah with needed tax revenues to offset growing costs in education and other important areas; and 2) increased tourism will increase the exposure Utah receives to business, government, and other leaders from across the country and around the world, and this positive exposure will help Utah improve its image and attract companies and jobs.

Along with economic benefits, there are also costs associated with outdoor recreation and tourism—local communities may be overwhelmed by visitors, natural resources may be negatively impacted from crowding and overuse in popular areas, conflicts may occur between visitors and traditional users of public lands, and even visiting recreationists may not be compatible when participating in different outdoor activities. Increased outdoor recreational use from tourism may bring other unwanted social, economic, and environmental changes.  A challenge in sustainable tourism development is to maximize benefits while minimizing costs, and developing planning and management approaches that are socially acceptable, economically viable, and environmentally benign or even beneficial.

Recognizing these potential benefits and costs, and challenges, the Utah Legislature approved continuing funding in 1998 for Utah State University's College of Natural Resources and Cooperative Extension to support the Institute for Outdoor Recreation and Tourism (IORT). IORT's purpose is threefold: 1) to implement a program of research focused on the social, economic, and environmental benefits and costs of outdoor recreation and tourism; 2) to provide a program of outreach through Cooperative Extension to assist government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and individuals in the private sector with outdoor recreation and tourism-related issues; and 3) to offer opportunities for education and training in outdoor recreation and tourism management to undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals.

As Director of the Institute for Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, I welcome you to our website and hope you find the information and resources relevant and useful. This website is periodically updated with more information and resources, as we at IORT continue to move ahead with our mission. In addition, we certainly welcome your inquiries, feedback, and suggestions.

Steven W. Burr, Ph.D.
Director, Institute for Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

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