Forest Management

There are almost as many different kinds of management objectives as there are forest landowners. Check here to see what kinds of options you have, and why you might consider some over others.

Timber Management for Private
Forest Landowners

Get the details on effective timber management techniques. Learn how to achieve sustained yield and good forest health.
Fire Information

This section contains a variety of information relating to fire both as a management tool and as a threat to personal property. Subjects include prescribed fire, firewise landscaping, and fire insurance issues.

Forest Protection

Some forest landowners prefer to take a passive approach to management - let nature take it's course. However, there are many threats that landowners may be unaware of, and some of those can produce results that are unacceptable to the owner. Look in this section to find out more about threats and how to deal with them.

Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Water Quality

Improper forest operations can negatively impact water quality by increasing runoff and sedimentation. The Utah Forest Practices Act provides guidelines that minimize the potential impact of forest operations. Find out how to comply with the Forest Practices Act and preserve water quality here.

Locating and Building Forest Roads

One of the most important components of BMPs is the proper location and construction of forest roads. Look here for road specifications and guidelines on how and where to locate roads.

Utah Forester and Land Manager Profiles

We have a number of exceptional foresters in the state, at many different levels. Included here are several profiles of different foresters who are known for their work.