We live in a great era, with more food choices available to U.S. consumers than at any previous time in our history.   However, with the available choices comes a need for consumers to educate themselves about the quality and safety of the foods they choose. 

There is a lot of  information available but some of it tends to be divided into the "pros" for the various production methods and is often slanted against other methods or foods.  Honesty in marketing is often ignored and the facts may be greatly "stretched".

The purpose of this website is to provide summaries of information, based on scientific research results, and also to provide links to other sites for more extensive information.  Users need to understand that some of those sites will provide information that is quite biased, to favor the food or production method being promoted.  You are encouraged to obtain information from all sides of an issue as you form your personal opinion.

Hopefully the information and links provided will assist you as consumers to make better "Informed Food Choices."