


Healthy Indoor Air
for America’s Homes


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Architectural Studies
HES Extension

HES Extension

Architectural Studies
Academic Department

College of Human Environmental Sciences, Department of Architectural Studies, University of Missouri Extension

Program Description

This is a national consumer education program concerned with increasing awareness among consumers and helping in improving the quality of indoor air in homes. This project was developed to provide basic but comprehensive information to consumers on how to get a handle on indoor air quality. In Missouri this program is taught by trained extension educators in different parts of the state. This program covers 10 indoor air hazards that consumers have to watch out for. These hazards are:

  • Moisture and biologicals (like molds, mildew and dust mites
  • Combustion products including carbon
  • Formaldehyde
  • Radon
  • Household products and furnishings
  • Asbestos
  • Lead
  • Particulates
  • Remodeling byproducts
  • Secondhand smoke

Target Audience

The target audience for this program is homeowners, day care providers, family and consumer science educators, renters, builders, real estate brokers, local government officials, and others interested in housing issues. Workshops can be arranged for community educators who want to teach this in their communities.

Program Objectives

  • Identify sources and health effects of common residential indoor air pollutants.
  • Understand general aspects of residential air quality.
  • Recognize the appropriate roles of pollutant testing and the implementation of source control strategies for residential indoor air pollutants.

Anticipated outcomes

After attending this program, participants will realize the importance of controlling pollutants at their sources and know how to take preventive measures to maintain healthy levels of indoor air quality in their homes.

Contact person(s)

Ronn Phillips, Environmental Design State Specialist


Michael Goldschmidt, AIA CSI, Resident Instruction Assistant Professor & State Specialist


National web site:

Architectural Studies-HES Extension

Human Environmental Sciences Extension

 External sites are not endorsed by the University of Missouri.

HES Extension Site Administrator
Last updated: 10/27/08


Outreach and Extension-University of Missouri

HES Extension Site Administrator:

last updated: 10/27/08
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