W3C Technical Plenary Week

Future meetings - Past meetings - About Technical Plenary

Future meetings

[confirmed]: Exact dates and venue are confirmed.
[planned]: Dates and general location are set for planning purposes. General location not likely to change. Dates may change, but not likely more than a few days. Significant changes will be discussed with the Members as far in advance as possible.
[under consideration]: Dates and general location are under consideration and subject to change.

Past meetings

About Technical Plenary Week

W3C hosts this five day event to allow Working Groups (WG) and Interest Groups (IG) to hold their face to face meetings in one place and have the opportunity to meet and liaise with participants from other groups.

Registration, Cancellation

All meeting participants are expected to register for each meeting they plan to attend as either a group participant or an observer (some groups may not permit observers). For the Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday WG/IG meetings, participation is subject to each group's policy. Please contact the WG or IG Chair for information about participation policy (see table of Groups and Chairs (Member only)).

The registration form for this meeting contains several sections. We require this information in order to appropriately plan sufficient meeting space as well as meals for each day. Please be sure to carefully complete all sections of the registration form.

Depending on the location, there may be limited seating for Wednesday's Technical Plenary. Early registration is strongly recommended. Registration will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. The Wednesday plenary session is open to all WG/IG members in good standing.

To cancel your registration, please use the same registration tool. General questions may be sent to w3t-tpregister@w3.org.


Connectivity at meetings



Susan Westhaver for Steve Bratt, Chief Operating Officer
Created: 30 September 2002
$Date: 2008/12/17 17:35:57 $