Agriculture & Water Quality

 Water quality is important for the success of agriculture, and proper agriculture management practices are necessary to meet domestic water quality standards and provide for ecosystem health. Cooperation between agriculture and domestic water users is necessary to provide adequate water quality for both parties. 

Agriculture & Water Quality Main

Water Quality Impacts on Agriculture 

The quality of water entering an agriculture area is extremely important for agriculture success. Often times, water quality is not suitable for agriculture uses. High salt concentrations limit the amount of water a plant can take up which results in high plant stress and decreased crop yields. High concentrations of metals and the presence of sodium also have negative effects on crop production. 

Impacts of Agriculture on Water Quality 

Agricultural practices may also have negative impacts on water quality. Agricultural methods may elevate concentrations of nutrients, fecal coliforms, and sediment loads. Increased nutrient loading from animal waste can lead to eutrophication of water bodies which may eventually damage aquatic ecosystems. Animal waste may also introduce toxic fecal coliforms which threaten public health. Lastly, grazing and other agriculture practices may intensify erosion processes raising sediment input to nearby water sources. Increased sediment loads make drinking water treatment more difficult while also affecting fish and macroinvertebrates. 

Definition of Eutrophication 

algaeEutrophication is a condition in an aquatic ecosystem where high nutrient concentrations stimulate blooms of algae followed by plant death and decay. Bacteria involved in the decay process use up oxygen, causing oxygen depletion which can affect other organims living in the water. Eutrophication is a natural process; however, human activities can greatly accelerate eutrophication by increasing the rate at which nutrients and organic substances enter aquatic ecosystems from their surrounding watersheds. Agricultural runoff, urban runoff, leaking septic systems, sewage discharges, and eroded streambanks can increase the flow of nutrients and organic substances into aquatic systems.