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ID Title Published
AGRS-97 The Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide for Commercial Growers (205 pp.) 1/1/2006
E001 Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations for New Jersey, 2008 (252 pp.) 1/30/2008
E002 New Jersey Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide, 2008 (238 pp.) 4/14/2008
E036 Pest Control Recommendations for Shade Trees and Commercial Nursery Crops, 2008 (67 pp.) 4/16/2008
E038 Pest Control Recommendations for Commercial Flower Growers, 2006 (62 pp.) 5/10/2006
E041a New Jersey Soybean Variety Trial Test Results, 2005 (5 pp.) 4/5/2006
E041b New Jersey Soybean Variety Trial Test Results, 2006 (5 pp.) 2/20/2007
E189 A Guide to Early-Season Corn Insect Injury in New Jersey (8 pp.) 5/1/1995
E197E New Jersey Wheat Variety Trial Test Results, 2001 (6 pp.) 7/24/2001
E221 Creating a Master Plan for Greenhouse Operations (8 pp.) 6/2/2005
E261 Be Safe With Pesticides, 2007 (10 pp.) 1/1/2007
E262 Control Recommendations for Household and Structural Insect Pests, 2007 (12 pp.) 1/1/2007
E265 Blueberry Pest Control Recommendations for New Jersey, 2007 (14 pp.) 5/8/2007
E275 Principles of Evaluating Greenhouse Aerial Environments: Part 1 of 3 (4 pp.) 2/1/2002
E276 Instruments for Monitoring the Greenhouse Aerial Environment: Part 2 of 3 (12 pp.) 2/1/2002
E277 Evaluating Greenhouse Mechanical Ventilation System Performance - Part 3 of 3 (8 pp.) 12/1/2002
E278 Best Management Practices for Irrigating Golf Course Turf (12 pp.) 5/1/2002
E279 Greensand and Greensand Soils of New Jersey: A Review (39 pp.) 1/1/2003
E283 Commercial Grape Pest Control Recommendations for New Jersey, 2008 (35 pp.) 3/28/2008
E285 Soil Nitrate Testing as a Guide to Nitrogen Management for Vegetable Crops (6 pp.) 8/1/2003
E288 Commercial Strawberry Pest Control Recommendations for New Jersey, 2006 (19 pp.) 3/6/2006
E299 Pest and Pesticide Management Practices in Nursery Operations (7 pp.) 4/8/2005
E302 Irrigation Management Options for Containerized-Grown Nursery Crops (8 pp.) 7/14/2005
E303 Nutrients and Nutrient Management for Containerized Nursery Crops (10 pp.) 7/27/2005
E308 Cranberry Pest Control Recommendations for New Jersey, 2007 (8 pp.) 4/19/2007
E309 Landscape and Ornamental Plant Stress: Factors, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Management (6 pp.) 4/6/2006
E312 Nutrient Management for Horse Pastures (10 pp.) 5/29/2007
E315 Blueberry Weed Control Recommendations for New Jersey, 2007 (18 pp.) 4/19/2007
E316 Bramble (Raspberries & Blackberries) Weed Control Recommendations for New Jersey, 2007 (21 pp.) 4/19/2007
E318 New Jersey Sorghum Variety Trial 2006 (2 pp.) 9/14/2007
EB237 Pest Management Recommendations for Field Crops, 2006-2007 4/25/2006
F-129A Late-season "Rescue" Thinning with Ethephon 1/1/2006
F-130 Apple Tree Pruning and Training (English and Spanish) 4/1/2007
F-131 Enhancing Return Bloom on Apple with Plant Growth Regulators 6/1/2007
F-133 An Annual Fire Blight Management Program 5/1/2008
FS014 Nutrient Removal Values for Field and Forage Crops (2 pp.) 10/21/2003
FS029 Insect Parasitic Nematodes for Cranberry Pest Management (2 pp.) 9/1/1999
FS086 Sources of Christmas Tree Growing Stock (3 pp.) 2/6/2006
FS1004 Pasture Survey Method to Determine the Need for Overseeding or Renovation (2 pp.) 6/1/2002
FS1005 Best Management Practices for Irrigating Landscape Plant Material (4 pp.) 3/29/2002
FS1020 Sweet Corn Crop Nitrogen Status Evaluation by Stalk Testing (2 pp.) 1/14/2005
FS1023 Nutrient Management of Land Applied Grass Clippings (2 pp.) 1/23/2006
FS1071 Nectarine Varieties for New Jersey (2 pp.) 6/6/2008
FS1072 Yellow-Fleshed Peach Varieties for New Jersey (2 pp.) 6/6/2008
FS1073 White-Fleshed Peach Varieties for New Jersey (2 pp.) 6/6/2008
FS1074 Flat Peach Varieties for New Jersey (1 p.) 6/6/2008
FS1083 Plum Varieties for New Jersey (2 pp.) 6/26/2008
FS1084 Cereal Rust Mite on Timothy Hay (1 p.) 6/6/2008
FS121 Herbicide Injury to Trees (2 pp.) 8/27/1998
FS155 Laboratories for Soil Testing and Plant Analysis (2 pp.) 1/1/2003
FS174 Plant Nutrient Recommendations for Field Corn (4 pp.) 4/16/2004
FS317 Extraction of Blueberry Maggot Larvae from Harvested Blueberry Fruit (4 pp.) 3/22/2001
FS319 Turfgrass for Orchard and Nursery Floor Management (4 pp.) 10/1/2000
FS358 Important Diseases of Tomatoes Grown in High Tunnels and Greenhouses in New Jersey (4 pp.) 7/5/2006
FS360 Animal Repellents for New Jersey Christmas Tree Growers (4 pp.) 4/22/2005
FS386 Aquatic Weed Control (6 pp.) 2/1/2001
FS446 Grazing Restrictions for Pasture Herbicides (2 pp.) 3/1/2001
FS510 Growing an "A-maize-ing" Corn Maze (2 pp.) 6/28/2004
FS511 Mummy Berry: An Important Disease of Highbush Blueberry (4 pp.) 1/27/2005
FS512 Botrytis Blight in Highbush Blueberry (3 pp.) 2/2/2005
FS516 Management of Iron in Irrigation Water (4 pp.) 12/1/2005
FS519 Pot-In-Pot Nursery Production System: What You Need to Know Before Establishment (4 pp.) 2/1/2005
FS527 Soybean Aphid (2 pp.) 8/23/2004
FS528 Management Recommendations on Cold Hardiness and Dehardening for Container-Grown Nursery Crops (4 pp.) 9/2/2004
FS549 Equipment and Laboratories for Soil Nitrate Testing (2 pp.) 10/28/2003
FS571 The Cider House Rules (4 pp.) 8/1/2001
FS590 Non-Point Source Pollution and Agriculture (2 pp.) 8/10/2001
FS592 Christmas Tree Management Shearing and Pruning Safely (2 pp.) 2/1/1993
FS627 Leaf Analysis for Fruit Trees (2 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS629 A Guide to Herbicide Additives (4 pp.) 4/1/1992
FS632 Correction of Manganese Deficiency in Alfalfa (2 pp.) 4/19/2004
FS638 Sticky Board Traps for Greenhouses (2 pp.) 10/28/2003
FS640 Greenhouse Screening for Insect Control (2 pp.) 2/1/2002
FS657 Irrigation Scheduling with Tensiometers (4 pp.) 3/1/1995
FS658 Irrigation Scheduling with the Feel Method (3 pp.) 12/1/1992
FS665 Northern and Western Corn Rootworm Beetles in New Jersey (2 pp.) 1/1/1993
FS666 Blue Alfalfa Aphid in New Jersey (2 pp.) 8/1/1994
FS676 Bindweed Identification and Control (2 pp.) 3/1/1993
FS682 Cherry Varieties for New Jersey (4 pp.) 12/1/2001
FS683 Organic Certification of Farms and Farm Products (2 pp.) 6/8/2004
FS685 Nurseries and Nursery Dealers with Fruit Trees for New Jersey (1 p.) 6/6/2008
FS689 Spring Black Stem (2 pp.) 7/1/1993
FS690 Recommended Planting Dates for Common New Jersey Hay and Grain Crops (2 pp.) 8/10/2001
FS719 Soil Fertility Test Interpretation - Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, and Calcium (4 pp.) 10/13/2006
FS743 Sustained Damage to Agriculture from Air Pollution (2 pp.) 11/1/1993
FS748 What is IPM? (2 pp.) 3/1/1999
FS760 Presidedress Soil Nitrate Test (PSNT) Recommendations for Sweet Corn (2 pp.) 9/26/2003
FS767 Soil pH Measurement with a Portable Meter (2 pp.) 8/1/1994
FS784 A High-Productivity Annual Strawberry Production System (4 pp.) 1/1/2001
FS793 Using Irrigation Water Tests to Predict and Prevent Clogging of Drip Irrigation Systems (2 pp.) 6/1/1995
FS794 Preventive Maintenance for Irrigation Equipment (2 pp.) 6/1/1995
FS795 Treating Drip Irrigation Systems with Chlorine (4 pp.) 4/1/1997
FS796 Controlling Bacteria, Algae, and Weeds in Irrigation Ponds (2 pp.) 6/1/1995
FS802 Threshold for Common Field Crop Insect and Weed Pests in New Jersey (4 pp.) 8/1/1995
FS812 Fundamentals of Container Media Management, Part 1: Physical Properties (4 pp.) 9/1/1995
FS816 Fungus Gnats in the Greenhouse (2 pp.) 9/1/1995
FS820 On-Farm Leaf Mulching: Getting Started (2 pp.) 3/1/1996
FS821 On-Farm Leaf Mulching: Leaf Application, Incorporation, and Economics (2 pp.) 3/1/1996
FS822 On-Farm Leaf Mulching: Effects on Soils, Crop Yield, and Pests (2 pp.) 3/1/1996
FS824 Plant Nutrients in Municipal Leaves (2 pp.) 11/1/1998
FS828 Biological Control of Insect Pests of the Greenhouse (4 pp.) 4/1/1996
FS847 Using Slow- and Controlled-Release Fertilizers in Container Nursery Crops (4 pp.) 5/1/1996
FS848 Monitoring and Managing Soluble Salts in Ornamental Plant Production (4 pp.) 5/1/1996
FS849 Cover Crops and Green Manure Crops: Benefits, Selection, and Use (4 pp.) 5/1/1996
FS871 Understanding Fertilizer Labels (2 pp.) 4/1/1997
FS873 Boron: Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (4 pp.) 7/24/2000
FS879 Diagnosing Alfalfa Problems in New Jersey (4 pp.) 5/27/1997
FS880 Managing Wireworms in New Jersey's Field Crops (4 pp.) 5/27/1997
FS881 Fundamentals of Container Media Management, Part 2, Measuring Physical Properties (2 pp.) 6/1/1997
FS887 Who to Call Regarding Wildlife Damage (2 pp.) 9/28/2003
FS888 Portable Electric Fencing for Preventing Wildlife Damage (2 pp.) 2/1/1998
FS889 High-Tensile Woven Wire Fences for Reducing Wildlife Damage (4 pp.) 1/14/2000
FS893 Evaluating Water Quality for Ornamental Plant Production (4 pp.) 1/15/1998
FS902 Liming New Jersey Soils for Fruit Crops (4 pp.) 2/24/1998
FS903 Liming New Jersey Soils for Field and Forage Crops (4 pp.) 2/24/1998
FS904 Liming New Jersey Soils for Vegetable Crops (4 pp.) 2/24/1998
FS905 Agricultural Liming Materials (4 pp.) 2/27/1998
FS927 Phragmites: Occurrence and Management (2 pp.) 12/8/1998
FS932 Weed Control Guide for Christmas Trees, Part 1: At Plantation Establishment (4 pp.) 3/3/1999
FS933 Weed Control Guide for Christmas Trees, Part 2: Established Plantation (4 pp.) 3/3/1999
FS935 Feed and Forage Testing Labs (2 pp.) 3/1/1999
FS936 Getting Started with an Effective Integrated Pest Management Program (4 pp.) 3/24/1999
FS939 Container Nursery Weed Control: Bittercress, Groundsel, and Oxalis (4 pp.) 5/4/1999
FS941 Potato Leafhopper Resistant Alfalfa (2 pp.) 5/31/1999
FS971 Iron: Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (4 pp.) 11/1/2000
FS972 Molybdenum: Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (2 pp.) 11/1/2000
FS973 Manganese: Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (4 pp.) 12/21/2000
FS974 Chloride: Needs of Soils and Crops in New Jersey (2 pp.) 11/1/2000
FS987 Integrated Management of Thrips on Greenhouse Ornamentals (4 pp.) 10/1/2001
FS994 Sudangrass and Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrids (2 pp.) 2/11/2002
IS004 Blueberry Integrated Pest Management Program, 2004 (2 pp.) 3/2/2004
IS005 Vegetable Integrated Pest Management Delivery Program, 2004 (2 pp.) 3/2/2004
IS006 Tree Fruit Integrated Pest Management Program, 2004 (2 pp.) 3/2/2004
IS007 Field Crops Integrated Crop Management Program, 2002 (2 pp.) 2/13/2002
IS008 Greenhouse and Nursery Integrated Crop Management Program, 2002 (2 pp.) 2/13/2002
TFS03 Management Strategies to Reduce Bract Damage of Poinsettia (4 pp.) 4/20/2000
TFS05 Minimizing Oedema Problems on Ivy Geraniums (2 pp.) 12/1/1996

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