US Army Corps of Engineers ®

Portland District

Relevant, Ready, Responsible, Reliable - Proudly serving the Armed Forces and the Nation now and in the future.

News Release

Release Number: 02-033
Dated: 2/26/2002
Contact: Public Affairs Office, 503-808-4510

Corps seeks comments on urgent bank stabilization of I-84

Portland, Ore.-The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking comments on a project with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to provide emergency bank stabilization along Interstate 84 near Troutdale, Ore. The Corps would assist ODOT in the planning and construction of the urgently needed work.

The purpose of the proposed work is to prevent the loss of portions of the existing highway surface, preserve its function as a major traffic corridor, restore the original highway embankment and protect the restored areas to prevent future erosion. Interstate 84 is a lifeline for Northern Oregon and even temporary interruption of its function could have major economic and public safety ramifications.

Erosion is threatening the immediate loss of the highway road surface at two locations, and three other locations are expected to be in jeopardy of failure within six months.

By law, however, the Corps cannot perform the needed work until it is evaluated under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and until a draft environmental assessment, addressing the impacts of the work, has been reviewed by members of the public.

The proposed work would consist of basic construction work from either the road surface or the Columbia River shoreline.

For more information about the proposed work, or to request a copy of the draft environmental assessment for the work, call Keith Gordon at (503) 808-4770, e-mail him at or write to: District Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer

District, Portland, Attn: CENWP-PM-E, P.O. Box 2946, Portland, Oregon 97208-2946. Comments must be received by March 6, 2002, and should refer to Public Notice No. CENWP-PM-E-02-01.


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