cwi today



Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) is the national research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands. We conduct pioneering research in these fields and transfer our results to society.


To give focus to our efforts, we concentrate on five broad, societally-relevant themes:

Mathematics and computer science research are the invisible driving forces behind innovation. CWI contributes by:

The institute also plays a central role in several (inter)national programs and organizations.

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Peter Boncz of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in Amsterdam has been appointed Endowed Professor of Large-Scale Analytical Data Management at the Faculty of Sciences of VU University Amsterdam as of 1 October 2013.

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CWI in Bedrijf 2013

Het CWI nodigt u van harte uit voor zijn jaarlijkse netwerkevenement CWI in Bedrijf op vrijdagmiddag 22 november. De editie van dit jaar staat in het teken van innovatie in ICT. Sprekers zijn:

  • Rik Bleeker (Amsterdam Economic Board)
  • Taco Dibbits (Rijksmuseum)
  • John Koster (ASML)
  • Michel Cosnard (Inria)

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