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Depoe Bay, Oregon

Aerial view of Depoe BayAerial view of Depoe Bay

Harbor on Oregon coast 100 miles south of mouth of Columbia River.

Facilities, in inner basin, consist of landings and floats to accommodate operators of excursion and commercial fishing boats. Facilities considered adequate for existing commerce.

Rivers and Harbor Act of: 26 Aug 1937, 2 Mar 1945. Section 107 Project in 1960.

Project Description:

Two 160 foot breakwaters at north end of entrance channel.
Channel is 50 feet wide and eight feet deep with additional width at seaward end.

Boat Basin:
Boat basin is 750 feet long, 390 feet wide, and eight feet deep.
There is a concrete retaining wall on the east of the boat basin.
There is also a sediment check dam and catch basin on South Depoe Creek.

Content POC: Channels and Harbors Project, 503-808-4343 | Technical POC: NWP Webmaster | Last updated: 2/5/2007 10:58:56 AM

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