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Displaying Closed Captioning with Real Player and Windows Media Player

If a media file on this site is identified as containing "closed captioning" and no text appears within the media display, you must enable captioning in your media player.

Displaying Closed Captioning with Real Player

1. Click "Tools" on the Real Player menu bar.
2. Select "Preferences" from the Tools menu. The General preferences menu will appear.
3. Select "Content" from the category window. Near the bottom right is the "Accessibility" option.
4. Select the "Use supplemental text captioning when available" option.
5. Click "OK" and restart the clip by clicking "Stop" then "Play."

Real Player menu bar Arrow to Step 2 image Real Player Content panel

Displaying Closed Captioning with Windows Media Player

To enable captioning in Windows Media, you must access the full player interface and its menu bar. If the media file displays within your Web browser page after clicking a media file link, you will need to select "Play in Default Player" to display the player's full interface. Windows Media Player 8:
1. Select "View" from the Windows Media Player 8 menu bar.
2. Choose "Now Playing Tools" from the View menu.
3. Select "Captions" from the subsequent menu.

Windows Media Player 8 View Menu

Windows Media Player 9
1. Select "Play" from the Windows Media Player 9 menu bar.
2. Choose "Captions and Subtitles" from the Play menu.
3. Select "On If Available" from the subsequent menu.

Windows Media Player 9 Play Menu

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