Media Center

Communications regarding the Main Interior Building Modernization Project are listed below.

Press Releases

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Modernization Newsletters

Modernization Newsletters are published at least every other month. Special editions are sometimes published as information becomes available. Please check back often to make sure you have the most recent copy of the news letter. If you would like to suggest topics for future articles, please click Contact Us and use the handy feedback form to submit your suggestion.

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Official Correspondence

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U.S. Department of the Interior

NBC Modernization Program Office

1849 C Street NW MS 2505 • Washington DC 20240

E-Mail Address:

Phone: 202 208-7283 • Fax: 202 208-2502

Last Updated on 07/21/2008

Main Interior Building Modernization Project Home U.S. Department of the Interior Website National Business Center Website