WVU-ES: Center for Community, Economic, and Workforce Development
WVU Extension Service
Community, Economic,
& Workforce Development

710 Knapp Hall
P.O. Box 6031
Morgantown, WV 26506-6031
(304) 293-6967
Fax (304) 293-3395
West Virginia, with its mountainous terrain and historical isolation from major metropolitan centers, has retained a strong sense of local community identity. Foremost in extension local needs assessments has been the concern about jobs in the local environment. While good-paying jobs in traditional natural resource and manufacturing sectors were lost when technology was implemented, the state has moved ahead in development of electronic communications technologies infrastructure, which could fuel future development. Community, economic, and workforce development are critical needs recognized by the legislature and WVU campus leaders.

The center is expected to provide university-wide and statewide leadership for building linkages and collaborative efforts with organizations and agencies including the W. Va. Clearinghouse for Workforce Education; state, regional, and local institutions of learning (public schools, vocational schools, and higher education institutions); state business and industry councils; firefighters and emergency personnel: labor organizations; and state economic development groups.

Last modified November 1, 2004
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